Example routes of resources

Some examples of routes are provided.

Simple Non-resource route

The / (index) route is a simple GET route that is not tied to a resource.

Full CRUD for a single resource

The /profile route is dedicated to a single resource (model).

This route provides CRUD operations on the profile model. Profile is a replacement for the notion of a User when using an identity provider (Okta) where Users are owned by the third party service.

Wrapper Routes

The /data routes are wrappers around an internal API (DS resources)

When working on a project that has other services being created Labs wants you to keep those behind a single authenticated server. This API starter shows an example of wrapping these services.

Notice that the /data/predict route is not merely a copy of the DS service but creates a path that may be esasier for the FE to consume. Make sure to work with the owner of the service to understand it's use and if such a change will work.

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